Monday, October 11, 2010

Is that a goiter on his face?

My husband had a tumor removed from the inside of his mouth. The surgery went MUCH better than expected. The 2nd day he awoke, I looked at him & then had to look again! His face was so swollen that I asked him if he had a goiter growing off his face. Not really the thing he wanted to hear. Yesterday he woke up & the swelling had gone down significantly! He even coached Ronnie's games yesterday & made it to church despite all of the pain he was experiencing. Way to go!

On to my week with weight loss. I've been very snacky lately & I know it's because I'm not choosing the right filling foods to keep me from getting hungry. When I lose weight, I get less ponits to consume & it's really getting hard to stay full. This is where eating right really becomes important. I'm trying to make better choices or it really becomes a willpower thing & that's how I became fat to begin with. I think I'll have another loss today on the scales, but by the end of the day, my body seems to put on a couple of pounds. Guess we shall see...

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